“Trust the Lord with all your heart and
do not lean on your own
Proverbs 3:5 nasb

His still small voice whispered to
my heart. “Do you trust Me, or just say you do?
Without hesitation I answered. “Yes,
Lord, I trust You but I don’t understand why You let us get a loan for this
house knowing the roof and windows would leak at the first rain. We prayed for
Your will not ours. Did we misunderstand Your call upon us to move?” Question upon question flowed from my pen
upon the pages of my prayer journal.
And then The Father asked me, “Do
you believe that all things work together for good according to My purpose? I
need you to walk by faith without knowing where I’m leading you. I need you
trust Me unconditionally, without understanding, no questions asked?
My pen paused as my heart pondered
the depths of His request. Unconditional
trust…without understanding…no questions asked.
As a parent, how many times did my
children asked me “why” and I told them, “do what I said because I knew what’s
best”? Now, The Father was asking me to do the same.
It’s not always easy, but since
that day, I’ve learned to trust the Lord unconditionally with all my heart, without leaning upon my
own understand, and without a million questions, because The Father does know
Do you trust the Lord with all your
heart without leaning on your understanding?
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