“…I called to the Lord.
I cried out to my God for help.
From his temple he heard my voice;
my call for help reached
his ears.”
Psalm 18:6 ncv
“There are times when
we are firing on all cylinders, when we feel alert, focused and on the ball and
inevitably these times see us being highly productive and creative and
achieving a lot.
Then there are the other times, when we feel lethargic, when
we can't quite concentrate on anything – when we feel detached and where the
world feels like we're viewing it through a thick fog. For this reason the term
is described as 'brain fog' and this is something that many of us dread as it
means we are destined to be unable to work well and to spend minutes sitting
there staring into space and being unable to concentrate…” from Health Guidance, Brain Fog Causes
I apologize that this is not inspiring, encouraging, and far
from challenging, it’s just where I am today.
Since awaking at 6:00am, I have sat in a fog. It is now
I’ve thought of varies activities to stimulate my brain—reading,
watching a movie, going for a walk, housework. thought
but no action. My brain is in a state of paralysis.
How about this. When writers experience "the
block," sometimes the simple act of writing anything—nonsense, weather
conditions, anything—will kick the brain in gear. So, again I apologize for no inspiration, encouragement, or challenging words. Or maybe you will be encouraged because you too have sat lost in brain
fog. Maybe my nonsensical musings will stimulate you to do something.

From the above website article: “Stress is distracting and leaves us thinking through all of the things
that are going on in our lives which of course makes it hard to concentrate on
anything else. Likewise if you are experiencing chronic stress then this will
overstimulate the brain as it overstimulates the entire nervous system via the
release of adrenaline and the resultant increased heart rate. Finally this will
cause you to use up more energy and to become run down and tired.”
It goes on to talk about adaptogens, antidepressants,
meditation, or calming activities to combat the fog. Since I don’t believe this
is caused by my SADD (seasonal depression), I choose to cry out to the Lord for His rest, His peace, and His enabling.
[If it continues longer than a few days, I’ll consider other
possible causes. For now, I thank you for listening and for your grace to let
me ramble today.]
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