[This is not
what I intended to write today. It is, however, what God intended. I don’t know
exactly where this is going but I must start from where it began.]
my people are crushed,
I am crushed.
I cry loudly and am afraid for them.
Isn’t there balm in the land of Gilead?
Isn’t there a doctor there?
So why aren’t the hurts
I cry loudly and am afraid for them.
Isn’t there balm in the land of Gilead?
Isn’t there a doctor there?
So why aren’t the hurts
of my people healed?”
8:21-22 nasb
Thursday, I began writing a follow up piece for last week’s “Crushed and Perplexed …” piece. As I wrote I wasn’t sure it was for sharing with my readers or only for my own therapy. My intentions for this website and my ministry are to inspire, encourage, and challenge Christians to live a life out loud for Jesus…free of fear and worldly intimidation. Yet, the words flowing from my fingers onto the page certainly didn’t seem to meet those criteria.
Anxiety and depression flooded my thoughts. Tears filled my
eyes and my heart beat faster than normal. I set the writing aside and tried to
change my focus. I took deep breaths to slow my heart rate. I prayed short
arrow prayers to God, but at times like these I don’t hear His voice so well.
So, I turned to TV (as if that ever helps).
The next morning still stressed from the anxiety attack, I
went to the Lord for my usual prayer and devotion time. I asked why the
depression and anxious thoughts overtook me as I wrote what I wrote. I asked God
if the piece was more for my therapy rather than for public sharing. Then, I
asked Him if I had not fully forgiven the person & incident which produced
the “Crushed
and Perplexed …” blog.
Despite my belief the incident had been God’s will and His
doing, rejection hurts. And I felt rejected by this person and event.

I paused. I pondered. What do those words mean? Of course, God knows my anxious thoughts, but what does “try me” mean in relationship to them?
God heard my scripture prayer request and took it literally.
He opened my eyes, my heart, and my thoughts to see how I
had not fully forgiven this person or the event. He showed me where I held a
grudge and allowed a root of bitterness to grow. He revealed my retaliation
plan tucked away in the dark crevices of my soul. How I intended to withhold
something even though the person would never know it or hurt them one bit. How
I was slamming the door and running away from them because they hurt my
feelings…even though I believed in my heart it was God’s plan.
Tears filled my eyes again as I asked God to forgive my retaliation
plan. I thanked Him for His quick examination and speedy trial of my heart and anxious
thoughts. And then, I asked for His help in removing any remaining debris, as
well as an application of the healing Balm of Gilead upon my rejection wound.
At the bottom of each page in my prayer journal are
scriptures. On one page where I wrote the prayer above, was Jeremiah 29:12-13, “call
upon Him and He will listen.” On the last page where I wrote, was Psalm 62:1,
“My soul finds rest in God above…”
We serve an awesome, incredible, amazing God. He is Faithful
and True.
I called
He listened
He answered
I confessed
He forgave
I rejoiced
He filled my soul with rest and peace,
forgiveness and healing.
Father in Heaven,
please use this writing to inspire, encourage, and challenge the reader to pray
Psalm 139:23-24 back to you. Please give them courage to open their heart for
you to exam and try. Let them experience your healing balm of Gilead upon the
wounds of their heart and give their soul rest. In Jesus’ name I pray.
[I do believe God wants you to read the words which
triggered my anxiety attack; and so I will continue working on it for next week
or the week after.]
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