Jesus said to the man,
“Stretch out your hand!”
stretched it out,
and it was restored to normal...”
Matthew 12:13 nasb
Me: “I wish life would get back to normal.”
My neighbor: “There is no such thing as normal.”
Yes, I pulled my scripture, Matt. 12:13, out of context a
bit, but maybe not. I am praying for God to restore my life to some kind of
normal not-normal again.

I want to have a bit of a boring routine again. I want more
blue sky with some partly cloudy days and less tornado-alley-storms which come
one after another night after night keeping us huddled in the basement with our
flashlights and transistor radios.

Last week, I felt like I made a huge step toward this goal
of writing again. Like I put a period at the end of the last sentence of a book.
Like the sun broke out and the meteorologist went to bed for the first time in
a week or more.
Without going into the details of the last three years, I
want to share more about what I sense God is saying to me.
First has been to blog and let anyone who might be a regular
reader of this site know that I’m still alive and kicking. Second was to
continue pressing forward with a project in the making for at least five years!
Along with that goal, I had begun researching the use of Create Space with
Amazon (aka self-publishing) after attending a spring writers’ conference.
However, yesterday,
the Lord has been impressing on me
to write a Christmas short-story… and possibly enter into a contest next week!!
So, I’m jumping back into my more normal not-normal life!

press onward
the goals
God has set before me
Philippians 3:14
I pray for you to have a normal not-normal blessed day!!
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