When life throws you into
despair, how do you react? Do you “Walk the walk,” “hold fast to integrity,” and
“act as the same person when people are looking as when they are not”?
Job, a man God describes as
blameless, upright, God-fearing, always turning away from evil, and praying for
his children. He is the picture of integrity; but Satan questions Job’s motives
for living such a righteous life. Satan believes that he can trip Job up and
make him fall if God will remove the wall of protection about him. God grants
the removal of the wall but stipulates that no physical harm come to Job’s
body. And, so begins the week of terror...

Job, the blameless, upright,
God-fearing man, reacted by tearing his clothes, shaving his head, and falling
to his knees in worship to God. He did not blame God or do anything that he
would regret. Instead he declared, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and
naked I shall return there. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed
be the name of the Lord.”
In Job 2, Satan returns to God. Another
conversation about Job ensues. Again God speaks of this man as blameless,
upright, God-fearing, and sinless, only this time He interjects how Job held
fast his integrity through all of the destruction allowed.
Now, Satan wants God to let
him attack the man’s physical health because he is certain that then Job will
drop this goody-two-shoes act!
God allows it, but sets the
boundaries at not taking Job’s life.
Boils, from the bottom of his
feet, to the top of his head, Job was covered with boils. He used a piece of
broken pottery to scrape them as he sat forlorn in ashes.
(This is the scene in my
mind.) His wife stands over him with her hands on her hips as she taps one foot
stirring the ashes into Job’s face. “How can you just sit there, you old fool? Do something. How can you continue to worship
a God that allows this to happen? Our children are all dead. Our livestock and
livelihood is destroyed. Now, look at yourself; you’re a mess. Curse God and
just die.”
Job looks up to her with his
wet brown eyes. “Don’t talk so irrationally. Shall we only accept good from God
and not accept adversity? We have been so blessed for so long, and now, like so
many of our neighbors and friends, we have lost everything in a matter of days.
God is still on the throne and will still care for our needs. We must trust
What about you and me?

Paul says it another way in
his letter to the Philippi. “I know how to get along with humble means, and I
also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have
learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance
and suffering need.” (Philippians 4:12)
That contentment is not only about financial circumstances but also the woes of this world; a wayward child, deceitful spouse, natural disasters (fire, tornado, etc.). Content, satisfied, gratified, at ease, peace of mind - holding tight to integrity - blameless, upright, fearing God, and turning away from evil

Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Grab your Bible and a notebook; then read, study, and meditate upon Philippians 4
- Break it down by sections in order to study and meditate upon what it says over the next few days.
- Look up unfamiliar words in a dictionary or other reliable source. (I like to read it from different translations. http://www.biblegateway.com/ is a great online resource.)
- Look up any cross references you may have and note what you find.
- Make a list of the words or phrases that you want to remember.
- Try your hand out paraphrasing, personalizing, or memorizing a few verses to “own it.”
- Compare Philippians 4 to Job 42.
- What do you sense God is saying to you? What action do you need to take in your life?
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