Scripture Motto

"Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father." Matthew 5:16

What's Up

I’m speaking at the
2nd Annual Capitol City Christian Church Women’s Fall Retreat
Friday evening, October 12 – Saturday afternoon, October 13, 2012

“What’s In Your Bag”

Speaker: Merrie Hansen
Music: The McClellan Sisters
Mission: Fresh Start

Ephesian 3:17-20

Come and be renewed
Draw closer to God
Make fun and fond memories
Enjoy Christian fellowship

Mission donations: Pens, Gum, Tissue, Lip-balm, Comb, Brush, Address book, Pocket calendar, anything you might carry on your purse – or a monetary contribution

Cost from $20-$45 for partial participation to full weekend
(Call the church office for registration & more information: 402-467-4458)


  1. Thanks for the "Tickled pink and purple" smile today. Your writing is stronger and inspiring.

  2. Looking forward to reading your devotion in the "The Secret Place when we get them at church. Maybe I will have to read out of order & read yours first!!! Excited & happy for you.

    Let me know more about the women's retreat that you will be speaking at. Maybe I can make the trip & attend. It has been way too long since I have been able to attend a women's retreat.

    Have a great day!!!!

    1. Thank you so much, LaDonna, for your prayer support and words of encouragement for my writing ministry. Thank you for your excitement to read (& share) my "Secret Place" piece. And thank you for being my "Martha" sister/friend; remember.

      It would be so crazy and fun to have you drive 300 miles to attend the retreat. I will keep you posted on the details. (Date: Oct. 12/13)

      God bless

  3. So glad you've decided on the WED plan, Merrie. It does work! Blessings on your writing and your commitment to live out loud for Jesus.

  4. A-oh, I've been caught by the teacher! Now, I really have to follow through! Thanks, Rebecca for the WED plan idea; and for stopping by my website.

  5. Your post has me all revved up! I love that we are thinking alike too with similar posts. I'm off to hop on that exercise bike! (I might need to dust the cobwebs off it first though).

    1. From one encourager to another! God bless.


Thank you for your thoughts and comments...God bless you